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ALIA (Project Coordinator). Spain.
ALIA is an Agricultural Transfomation Society, located in the municipality of Lorca (Spain). The cooperative was established in 1975 and is currently comprised of over 300 members. The company manufactures compound feed for a wide range of livestock including cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. It holds the ISO9001 quality assurance and the ISO 14001 environmental management certification. Its R&D department actively participate in innovation projects.
Partner responsibilities:
Project coordinator. It will manage the overall coordination of the project (WP1) and, in addition will be responsible of the design the feeding program with sustainability criteria for the local poultry breeds of each country (Task 2.1). Furthermore, ALIA will be the responsible partner of the exploitation of project results and the Living Lab activities (WP4).
University of Murcia (UMU). Spain.
Universidad de Murcia (UMU) is a public university located in Murcia (South of Spain). It belongs to the Campus of International Excellence program in the “Campus Mare Nostrum” project. It has more than 34,000 students. UMU has extensive experience in hosting international projects and promoting research excellence in a learning environment. EU programmes represent an important source of funding for the University, which has taken part in 145 projects and actions belonging to those kinds of programmes since 2007.
Partner responsibilities:
UMU will be leader in the development of WP2 (Development of alternative poultry feeds), including the leadership of environmental evaluation of diets based on LCA techniques (Task 2.4) as well as its nutritional evaluation (Task 2.4). Furthermore, UMU will be the responsible partner of the Environmental evaluation of pilot activities (Task 3.5).
University of Torino (UNITO). Italy.
The University of Turin (UNITO) is one of the largest Italian Universities, and according to the last ARWU international ranking, UNITO is ranked among the top 300 universities out of 1.200. UNITO is deeply involved in scientific research and manages roughly 500 projects per year, both at the national and international level. Under H2020, 78 projects have been funded so far (2014- present), among which 20 coordinated projects, 5 ERC grants as host institution and 4 Research Infrastructure projects. Since 2017, UNITO is also partner of the EIT Knowledge & Innovation Communities “EIT FOOD”, which is one of the largest food-related initiatives worldwide.
Partner responsibilities:
UNITO will test the effects of dietary insect larvae supplementation on bird’s welfare and health (gut microbiota and microbioma) (task 3.3). Additionally, UNITO will focus its pilot activities on the Italian chicken breed “Bianca di Saluzzo”, a meat-type breed. Furthermore, UNITO together will organise a final conference in a relevant international event. UNITO will also arrange local capacity buildings activities (task 5.4).
Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott Mariem (ISA-CM). Tunisia.
ISA-CM or Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott Mariem was founded in 1975. It is located in the Governorate of Sousse in the eastern centre of Tunisia. ISA-CM is organized into 4 training and research departments: Animal resources, agri-food and rural development (DARARD); Horticultural and Landscape Sciences; Biological Sciences and Plant Protection, and Engineering of Horticultural Systems and natural environments. DARARD members are involved in many research projects especially in animal nutrition, animal genetics, sustainable animal production and animal products quality and processing and also sustainable rural development.
Partner responsibilities:
ISA-CM will develop its pilot focused on meat and eggs production and will also develop another common pilot with Rayhana, focused on rural women development and gender perspective. In addition, ISA-CM will lead Task 3.4, about the productive traits of birds and the egg and meat quality and task 5.5., Participation in international events.
Association Rayhana. Tunisia.
Rayhana was born in October 2013 in Jendouba, in the north west of Tunisia. It is a women’s NGO, committed to develop a transformative movement for a new generation of free and conscious women who practice their rights in the public space. Rayhana has a wide experience in enabling socioeconomic opportunities for rural women. The activation of women empowerment processes, relations of solidarity between women and cooperation with the social actors of the regions will make it possible to achieve sustainability results, promoting a culture of common goods and environmental protection with the reduction of gender inequalities and promotion of socioeconomic opportunities for women.
Partner responsibilities:
Responsible for pilot actions with women’s groups in Jendouba region and the analysis of the social impact of pilot actions (task 3.7). Rayhana supports women involvement in the project; even training on economic activities’ sustainability and diagnostic activities prior to the start of the project are based on this methodology.
Entomo Consulting SL (ENTOMO). Spain.
EntomoAgroIndustrial is a Spanish company with the mission of enabling companies to transform waste from the Food Industry into sustainable food for animals using insects. EntomoAgroIndustrial has been created as a platform of professionals and companies that allow companies to start projects of recovery of waste. EntomoAgroIndustrial brings the experience of its team, made of professionals with experience in all areas necessary for the development and implementation of the Project. Our mission is: “We enable the transformation of waste from the Food Industry into Sustainable Food for animals using insects”.
Partner responsibilities:
ENTOMO will be the responsible partner of the insects’ area in the project, in particular of task 2.2, about the analysis of insects’ farming in each territory and task 3.1 about the implementation of insects’ farms at local sites. In addition, it will be the Innovation manager of the project. In addition, it will lead task 4.3, regarding the development of guidelines for Circular Economy Business Models.

Ege University (EGE). Turkey.
Ege University was established in İzmir in 1955. Currently, consists of 17 Faculties, 15 Vocational Training Schools and 9 Institutes. The Faculty of Agriculture was established in İzmir in the same year. The faculty offers both theoretical and practical study in agriculture. It is recognized as a leader in agriculture, education, and research in the country. The Department of Animal Science is comprised by a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in all phases of animal production and processing. The department develops new practical methods to find out solutions for economic, social, and political problems of agriculture both at micro and macro levels, and extends the results from these researches.
Partner responsibilities:
EGE will lead the Work Package 3: SUSTAvianFEED Pilots. Pilot activities in EGE will focus on meat production using a local breed. EGE will also have the responsibility for the economic evaluation of pilot activities and be the co-responsible partner of the social analysis of consumer evaluation of the final product.
Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità Onlus (SLOWFOOD). Italy.
Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity is the operational body of the Slow Food International association for the protection of food biodiversity. Founded in Florence in 2003, it coordinates and promotes Slow Food’s projects to protect and promote food biodiversity across the world. Slow Food is a global, grassroots organization, founded in 1989 to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions and counteract the rise of fast life. Since its beginnings, Slow Food has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 160 countries, working to ensure everyone has access to good, clean and fair food.
Partner responsibilities:
Slow Food will lead the WP 5 Exploitation, dissemination and communication.